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If we don't get the 2020 election decertified, we don't have a country. The military already recognizes Trump as Commander-in-Chief AND they have the forensic evidence for the stolen election. . . Even if they destroy other election documentation by September 3rd of 2022. The Pentagon has refused to give the nuclear codes to the Biden imposter. When 'the flip' happens, I believe it will hasten the demise and destruction of the Deep State's fiat-in-perpetuity-slave currency. Goodbye Federal Reserve, central banks, I.R.S. and ultimately the U.S. Corporation. Hello real money--gold and silver coin. By destroying the globalists god, which is their fake currency, you free the world of their grip, control, propaganda and manipulation.
Anyone in the know, should recognize that it's Venezuelan Arturo Sosa, Jesuit General of Rome, also known as the Black Pope.[1] His soldiers are not only the Jesuits, but also the 'useful idiots' known as surrogates and assets, which Rome has corrupted and hi-jacked through Deep State media, hedonistic Hollywood, Leftist academia, consensus 'science,' censoring Technocrats, major league sports, the mainstream medical community, big pharma, the N.I.H., the C.D.C., the corrupt legal system, the D.N.C and the R.N.C., Deep State plants in the military-political-industrial fabric of our government, and finally the money-hungry 'vaccine' manufacturers.
I believe what we witnessed in 2016 was a miracle. I am convinced Trump and the white hats are anointed of the LORD. Trump and the white hats are not going to give up because of the enormity and complexity of the Deep State's web of deceit and subterfuge. They understand we have only one chance to fix this.
We need to pray for Trump, his family and the white hats, that Jesus grants them wisdom, knowledge and understanding as well as protection in this take down of the insane globalists. Trump proved himself for four years while he and his family were being maligned every day by the hypocrites in the media. I understand people have gotten impatient with Trump, but this conspiracy has been going on for the past 152 years.
Others have criticized Trump because of certain individuals he has chosen, appointed, and even endorsed. Perhaps he has a greater and grander plan that we don't understand or can't comprehend.
Contrary to many conservative onlookers, I believe Operation Warp Speed was brilliant. It gave anyone and everyone, armed with the truth, an opportunity to choose whether they wanted to get 'jabbed' or not and become property of the State. I ask you, who drank the Cool-Aid? Who eagerly tuned-in to the propagandists to hear their lies? Whatever a person sows, they will reap. There are no innocent victims in the spiritual conflict for the souls of men!
I believe a massive die off will occur because people believed they could play God with their unique and divine D.N.A. blueprint. Finally, the success of this "reveal" depends entirely on Trump and the white hat's commitment to the biblical God, Jesus Christ. I will remind my audience what Gamaliel, a Pharisee and doctor of the law, said about Christ's apostles and their apostolic duty in Acts 5:34-39, "And now I say unto you, Refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought: 39 But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God."
The white hats along with Donald J. Trump, bringing their Christian faith and Constitutionalist principles to this country, are some of the most formidable stalwarts of patriotism this country has witnessed since its founding. And don't rag on Trump because of the Judas' he trusted. That's called grace. The Judas' have revealed their complete unworthiness, while demonstrating their complete betrayal to Trump and this country. Can you say STING OPERATION.
Trump was elected because these wicked globalists want to send as many people to hell as possible, while systematically planning to exterminate the human race. God was NOT going to allow that. Anyone that cannot see the globalist's agenda at this point is absolutely clueless and part of the problem.
I know some may say I'm stepping out on a limb because the jury is still out, namely the forensic evidence from the stolen election, hasn't been made public . . . Yet. Believe me, it's there!
But here goes. I am a student of scripture and there is no evidence, prophetically, of what we are witnessing. If you think you can find it in Revelation, it's not there. I know the days just prior to Jesus' coming for his own is likened to the days of Noah. That was God's judgment however.
While I understand that what we are witnessing is being permitted of God, it is not the perfect will of Providence. The perfect and permissive will of God are two separate things. One accounts for man's sin, demonic influence, and with it, Satan's permission from God to haggle those who hold the truth in unrighteousness--this is the permissive will of God (Job 1:12; 2:6). The other, God's perfect will, is free of any earthly entanglements and cannot be thwarted by any temporal or demonic interference (Acts 5:34-39). That's why it's called God's perfect will.
Oh, and by the way, there is no such thing as dualism to the believer. Have you heard of the word omnipotent. The God of the scriptures, Jesus Christ, possesses all power.
The evil events by the Deep State are truly incomparable--the destruction and annihilation of every human being on this planet. This harkens back to only one other event in human history . . . The worldwide flood of Noah. What we are currently witnessing is NOT God's perfect will--the annihilation of most of humanity and those that remain to become cyborgs.
I realize the cabal's globalist plans are for a paltry 500,000,000 people to remain alive to serve them. These slaves wouldn't be human; however, they would be cyborg's, namely part human, part machine. They will be owned by the State.
Trump and the white hats are God's anointed. There is absolutely no way you can say otherwise given the information we have on the psychopathic, collectivist, wretches now running the Biden administration and those supporting it.
What a sting operation in "Warp Speed!" Trump was brilliant when he orchestrated this. By doing so Trump gave those who would drink the Cool-Aid and continue their diet for propaganda to get the jab. This is spiritual warfare. There are no innocent victims.
Finally, three things to be watched: the financial, the spiritual and the techno-crates.
The U.S. must return to gold and silver coin. Currency, the Federal Reserve, the central banks and banks in general, must go. Credit Unions are member owned. Banks are not. Get it. No accountability with banks. We also don't need a 'quantum financial system.' It will be run by computers and AI (artificial intelligence). If they can steal a national election, they can fraudulently manipulate their evil, worthless, slave currency. We already possess the ability and capacity to execute electronic transfers. We don't need to re-invent the wheel.
Cryptocurrency is also passé. There are four attributes of real money. History has revealed that money possesses four time-tested attributes: (1) intrinsic worth (2) divisibility (3) durability and (4) relative scarcity. An electronic, fake medium of exchange, or currency, has none of these attributes. By the way, currency denominations, though they exist, are still worth nothing. They, like all currency, are worthless. Just because an unlawful and unconstitutional entity like the Federal Reserve and this central banking cartel declare paper to be valuable doesn't make it so. These worthless Federal Reserve notes notes are not money, but debt. They are all phony promises to pay all debt, public and private . . . But with what? Paper possesses no intrinsic value!
We have to stop entertaining religious, collectivist enterprises. They are the antithesis of Spirit-filled, theocratic government as outlined in both Old and New Testaments. The Holy Spirit makes the Old Testament law a reality in the life of the believer, minus the effort of the flesh. Watch out for those proposing The Human Potential Movement or New Age Movement. There is nothing new under the sun. These are cursed religious collectives. Don't fall for 'em.
Finally, no 5G. It was originally developed as a weapon against humans, supposedly our 'enemies.' We don't need to go any faster. The electromagnetic frequencies (E.M.F.) are deadly, disruptive and deleterious to human health. It's never been about speed. It's always been about control. C'mon people don't fall for their lies!
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