Excerpt from: "Swarms of Locusts," Bunker, Michael, Refugio Publishers, Smyer, Texas, Copyright 2002, pp. 52, 53
In the early 1590's, Jacobus Arminius had become an acquaintance and some would say an admirer and friend of a Jesuit named Cardinal Robert Bellarmine. Bellarmine was engaged in one of the other battlefronts of the war against the Reformation.
At the time, one of the biggest battlefields for the Jesuit army was in the area of eschatology (end things). As Christians around the world began to read the Bible for themselves, it became evident to many of them that the Catholic Church figured prominently in prophecy. The teaching that the Mystery, Babylon the Great, Mother of Harlots of Revelation 17:5 was actually the papist Church of Rome was gaining steam.
In 1590, a Jesuit named Francisco Ribera (1537-1591) had begun to write commentaries explaining away those scriptures that plainly taught of the Catholic Church as an element of the Antichrist system. Specifically, Ribera wrote a commentary in 1590 that placed a whole new spin on Daniel 9:27. Ribera became the first theologian in over 1500 years to teach that the "he" in Daniel 9:27 who confirmed the covenant and put an end to sacrifice was actually antichrist and not the Messiah.
It had been the uniform teaching of the church since the death of Christ that the he who had put an end to all sacrifices on the Cross was Jesus Christ. But the Jesuits needed to create a NEW concept of antichrist, one that was not so easily identified with Rome. By creating the concept of a seven year tribulation, transported way into the future, Ribera was able to divert attention from the most blatant antichrist that had his seat in Papal Rome [George E. Ladd, The Blessed Hope (Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1956), pp. 37-38.]
Ribera's primary apparatus was the seventy weeks. He taught that Daniel's 70th week was still in the future. Does this supposition sound familiar? This is exactly the scenario used by Hal Lindsey and a multitude of other current prophecy teachers. (Robert Caringola, Seventy Weeks: The Historical Alternative, Abundant Life Ministries Reformed Press. 1991. p. 35).
Francisco Ribera (1537–1591) a Spanish Jesuit theologian
Did you know that the fringe on Daniel's garment was a reminder to obey God (Num. 15:37-40)?
By Paul J. Wickliffe, Day of the LORD Publications
There are only 3.5 years until the trumpet and vial judgments of God descend upon an unbelieving world!
DANIEL 9:20-27
And whiles I was speaking, and praying, and confessing my sin and the sin of my people Israel,[1] and presenting my supplication before the LORD my God for the holy mountain of my God; 21 Yea, whiles I was speaking in prayer, even the man Gabriel,[2] whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning, being caused to fly swiftly,[3] touched me about the time of the evening oblation. 22 And he informed me, and talked with me, and said, O Daniel, I am now come forth to give thee skill and understanding.[4] 23 At the beginning of thy supplications the commandment came forth, and I am come to shew thee; for thou art greatly beloved:[5]therefore understand the matter, and consider the vision. 24 Seventy weeks[6] are determined upon thy people[7]and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.[8] 25 Know therefore and understand,[9] that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem[10] unto the Messiah the Prince[11] shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks:[12] the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times. 26 And after threescore and two weeks[13] shall Messiah[14] be cut off, but not for himself:[15]and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary;[16] and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined. 27 And he[17]shall confirm the covenant with many for one week:[18] and in the midst of the week[19] he[20]shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he[21]shall make it desolate[22], even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.[23]
[1] Some ‘scholars’ say Daniel wasn’t Jewish. Do they think we’re really that stupid? The text clearly says otherwise.
[2] Gabriel, the annunciator, is one of two male archangels of God. The other is Michael, Israel’s warrior-protector.
[3] Yes, angels have wings!
[4] Believe it or not, God’s intention is to communicate to men. He’s not shrouding his words in meaningless esoteric gibberish.
[5] What would God say of your character? Would God say this of you?
[6] This IS 490 years. Look at verse 27. The pronoun is referring to Jesus Christ NOT Satan. It tells us, Jesus was cut off in the middle of the week, 3.5 years . . . You know, the length of his ministry. Remember, these years are consecutive—486.5 years that is. It started with Cyrus’ decree for the Jews to return to Jerusalem and rebuild until Jesus Christ declared his public ministry. It also includes the 3.5 years of the Messiah’s public ministry. This brings us to 486.5 years. All that remains is 3.5 years. Precisely what we find in the Book of Revelation—1,260 days, 42 months, or time-times-and a half (3.5 years).
[7] Yes, the trumpet and vial judgments are for national Israel—Jacob’s trouble. Israel needs to repent and receive Jesus as their Old Testament prophesied Messiah.
[8] Jesus will be anointed the most Holy when he sits on his rightful throne after subduing all his enemies under his footstool—the battle of Armageddon, the destruction of Rome and her ungodly confederacy, as well as the sheep and goat judgment. This will inaugurate his millennial kingdom upon earth.
[9] The purpose here, again, is to know what God is saying. Bible study is NOT a matter of my opinion vs. your opinion. If we can’t rightly divide the word of truth, then why are we studying the scriptures. This means no references. No pastoral, elder, seminarian, or Greek or Hebrew ‘scholar’ consultations. No commentaries, no guides, no helps, and no concordances—especially Strong’s or Vine’s. Just the K.J.V. and the Holy Spirit as your teacher.
[10] This commandment was issued in a decree given by Cyrus, king of Persia (See II Chron. 36:22, 23; Ezra 1:1-4)
[11] This is the SECOND time we see Jesus as the subject in these verses. In verse 24 the “most Holy” is a reference to Christ. This is most important, for each of the key verses, 24-27, indicates Christ as the subject within these verses. When we get to verse 27, subject-pronoun agreement says the pronoun “he,” mentioned thrice in verse 27, IS Christ NOT Satan.
[12] This was 69 weeks or 483 years from Cyrus’ decree for the Jews to rebuild, until Jesus declared his public ministry. This is where the seamlessness (flawlessness) of this date comes from. If it had been from Jesus’ incarnation, this date couldn’t have been continuous. There would have been 30 years separating his birth and public ministry. And at his baptism by John the Baptist, Jesus implied that his water baptism was necessary for inaugurating his public ministry “to fulfil all righteousness.” Jesus’ baptism in water was only performed for this one function, “to fulfil all righteousness.” It obviously didn’t make Jesus righteous. John’s baptism was a baptism of repentance. Jesus had nothing to repent of. Jesus is fully God. If water baptism was requisite for personal redemption, then Jesus would have said so. Jesus didn’t water baptize (John 4:2). Yes, I am aware of John 3:22. What the verse says is Jesus AND his disciples came into the land of Judæa. The verse continues by saying Jesus tarried with them—he lingered with them. His disciples baptized. This is what the verse says. If you don’t like it, scripture doesn’t contradict itself. That’s what it says.
[13] If we take 62 weeks and subtract if from 69 weeks, we get 7 weeks of years, namely 49 years. Jesus died in a jubile year. This last jubilee was supremely the end of all spiritual indebtedness. It also signaled an end to financial slavery, while being a servant. It offered liberty to all and allowed those who were subject to bondage to once again become hopeful. The Bible clearly reveals that indebtedness was part of the human condition as a result of the fall (Ex. 20:17—manservant, nor his maidservant”). God; however, provided a remedy which offered forgiveness, hope, as well as a new ‘lease’ on life. That is the profound significance of this verse and the sixty-two weeks.
[14] This is the third time the subject, Messiah or Jesus, is used.
[15] Jesus was cut off in the midst of the week by his brethren, the Jews. He didn’t do it, they did. To say otherwise is to absolve (acquit) the Jews of their murder of their Messiah, thereby justifying their sin.
[16] The people of the prince were the Roman soldiers who, in 70 A.D. came in, vanquished their opposition, and scattered the Jewish people. This was done because of the Jews’ disobedience and the abomination of desolation, or the Jewish priestly sacrifice of animals after Christ had paid it all. The prince, in the phrase “people of the prince,” is another reference to Jesus, the fourth reference.
[17] This pronoun, another reference to Jesus, is the fifth. To have someone like a Jesuit named Francisco Ribera to say otherwise reveals a sinister agenda that has apparently bamboozled many tribulationists past and present.
[18] Jesus’ covenant was his blood offered on behalf of all sinners; however, that pact of redemption is only granted to the elect. It is not extended to those playing God and believing in the heresy of man’s ‘free-will.’
[19] Jesus’ ministry was 3.5 years long. The book of Daniel, specifically here and in Daniel 7:25 (“time and times and the dividing of time”), gives the chronologist a solid fix on how long a biblical year was, 360 days exactly.
[20] This pronoun, another reference to Jesus, is the sixth.
[21] Finally, this is the seventh reference to the Messiah. To come to any other conclusion than what scripture reveals, means people aren’t reading their K.J.V.
[22] Jesus’ sacrifice made the Jewish sacrifice and oblation to cease. In doing so, it became empty or desolate.
[23] Desolate is another term God uses for those who reject his Son, Jesus Christ.
As with any scriptural inquiry, the inspired and inerrant scriptures must always be one’s benchmark. Rightly dividing the scriptures involves several key propositions:
1. BELIEF IN THE BIBLE’S INERRANCY (John 10:3-5; II Tim. 3:16, 17)—If you reject the words of Christ, don’t expect him to ever reveal the Bible’s secrets.
2. CONTEXT—Words and their meanings should always be examined in light of the context in which they are found.
3. SCRIPTURE WITH SCRIPTURE—The Bible stands alone. One must compare scripture with scripture; spiritual with spiritual (I Cor. 2:13) Unlike any other human work of literature, the Bible cannot be scrutinized, interpreted, analyzed, compared or seen through the lens of some other humanly devised standard:
•Interlinear Bibles
•Bible Handbooks
•Bible helps
•Bible dictionaries
•Other ‘bible’ translations
3. JETTISON PERSONAL BIAS—This usually comes in the form of erroneous religious teaching or presumptions by ‘science falsely so called.’ (I Tim. 6:20) These personal biases run counter to the Bible’s narrative. When this happens, you must throw out these destructive assumptions, not making an ass of oneself
4. NO PRIVATE INTERPRETATIONS OF SCRIPTURE (II Peter 1:20, 21)—A private interpretation sees scripture through the lens of subjectivism— “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. ” (Prov. 14:12) A subjective understanding of scripture will never be supported, corroborated or substantiated by other passages of scripture. A subjective interpretation will always contradict the plain sense of Jesus’ words, namely the scriptures. In II Peter 2:21 a subjective interpretation of scripture advances the will of man. Scripture doesn’t seek consensus, but rather truth at any cost
5. ONE MUST PERSONALLY KNOW THE AUTHOR—The author and finisher of our faith, as well as the scriptures is Jesus Christ, the Word. If your objective is to know what the Bible says, that will only be possible if his Holy Spirit lives inside you . . . you must be crucified! Before redemption occurs, the Holy Spirit will lead and guide you.
6. WITHOUT FAITH IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO PLEASE GOD—The Bible is not an apologetic treatise or one in which God attempts to persuade his reading audience. The opening words and verses in Genesis 1 rest on the mindset of the individual that what they are reading is objective history and truth. If you struggle with this, ask for the Spirit’s faith to believe and embrace the truth . . .It will set you free. I did this when I was 8 years old. Christ didn’t save me until I was 21 years old.
7. REMEMBER, GOD’S THOUGHTS AND WAYS ARE OPPOSITE MAN’S (Isaiah 55:8, 9)—This is reflected throughout the Bible, from cover to cover. Especially the parables of Jesus. In the parable of the prodigal son, the son that remains with his father, not squandering his inheritance as his foolish brother did, is actually the one who is lost. The prodigal, realizing his foolish heart, sinful ways and worthlessness before his father, is the one that experiences a transformation within. Meanwhile, his ‘faithful’ brother, angry at his father for killing the fatted calf and extending forgiveness to his brother, is your typical church person, believing that outward behavior, community perception and works are sufficient ways of satisfying God’s requirements. The ‘faithful’ brother is also convinced that church involvement is equivalent to personal redemption . . . After all, this is what his pastor has taught him.
8. YOUR APPROACH TO SCRIPTURE WILL BE PROFOUNDLY INFLUENCED BY TELEVISION—The most dangerous and subversive item in the home is the television. It is the chief influencer, persuader, corrupter and pre-programming device known to man. Unless you are willing to keep a tight reign on such a device, you would be better off getting your information from a computer or radio. Your option, when encountering anything offensive on the television is to turn it off OR change the channel. Otherwise by your inaction, you condone the evil through your complicity. The Bible’s viewing standard is based upon the following scriptural principle from Philippians 4:8, “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”
9. RECOGNIZING JESUS’ VOICE (JOHN 10:4, 5)—If you cannot discern Jesus’ words, you won’t get far. The watershed topic of biblical inspiration and inerrancy is crucial to understanding scripture. If you cannot distinguish the truth from the plethora of counterfeit ‘bibles,’ while recognizing the King James Bible as the finest translation in any language, your interest in coming to the knowledge of the truth will never pan out. I have been a student of the Bible for the past 46 years. The K.J.V. is the only Bible I use. It is the standard by which all other Bible’s are compared. If you want to know the mind of Christ, read his perfectly preserved words, the K.J.V.
10. THE VISIBLE CHURCH: THE ENEMY OF JESUS CHRIST—After 31 years of church attendance, I had to come out of her:[1]
1. Revelation 18:4--And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
When the plain sense makes
sense, don’t seek any other sense
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