Gen. 1:31--And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
John 3:11, 12
Man's spirit is his moral conscience (Prov. 20:27). This is what distinguishes him from all others in the animal kingdom--"and man became a living soul." (Gen. 2:7)
Pharoah Rahotep, ruler of all Egypt, during Joseph's lifetime, who worshipped the invisible God of the sacred scriptures.
The following antediluvian population projections can be corroborated from the book, “The Flood,” by Arthur Rehwinkle, pp. 28-32 available through Internet Archive
Things to consider in God's decree to the first couple on earth:
Just as William Libby founder of C-14 Dating, pioneers in radiometric age determination have also engaged in assumption, a flaw of the uniformitarian mindset. When assumptions in science are proved to be false by repeatable experimentation or real-life observation, they cease to be science.
Potassium-argon employed the following assumptions:
Potassium-argon dated @ 275,000 Y.O.
Reality: erupted 1949, 1954, 1975
Potassium-argon dated @ 1.4-22 M.Y.O.
Reality: erupted 1801
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